Thursday, September 17, 2009

My, How Time Goes By

I see why so many CRONies stop blogging. Time, you ephemeral thing, swiftly tumbling sands through a sieve, how I could but catch you and slow the tide!

Ha! Isn't that why we are CRONies, though?

School is occupying my time, and, just as I feared, I am getting to the gym less and eating more. I stopped writing down what I eat, which is such a problem for me. I eat too much fat when I don't keep track, too. Even now, I am procrastinating. I want to drop one of my classes but I don't know if I can at this point.

Time will tell....

I've been eating this big vat of stew my mom made me, which has squash, chickpeas, sweet potato, some greens, onions, and tomato. It's delicious, healthy and improvised, as all my mom's best dishes are. Unfortunately, I don't know how many calories it is, which is always such the problem when I'm eating home-cooked (but blessedly healthy) meals. I do my best with it. The problem is that once I mentally label it as "healthy," it's easy to overindulge, as studies have borne out.

My mealtimes are irregular from day to day because my schedule is, which I hate. How do we juggle all this? I just want to go back to how people lived a nanosecond ago--family farms were how everyone lived. Low stress, high satisfaction, good health, simple schedules with big blocks of time carved into it for each lone activity. And then everyone dies of the flu. I guess not everything was grand.

I need to hit the lotto.

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