Tuesday, September 29, 2009

It Was Inevitable

I got busy and stopped counting calories. I feel like I put on a bit of weight. I don't think I look fatter, but sometimes I feel like my knees are mad at me when I jog after having gained even 2 or 3 lbs!

The trouble is, I don't think it is healthy or wise to simply cut back drastically again. I think I should ease my way back into CR as though it's my first time: track my calories to get a sense of how much I like to eat on an average day, normalize my gym-going schedule, then gradually cut back my energy intake, 50 calories at a time, over a very, very long period of time. I noticed that I honestly feel better in some ways when I'm eating more, because I eat a carb-laden plant-based diet that would make lots of extra serotonin along with those extra carbs. But CR makes you feel better in other ways, offering enhanced energy and mental clarity, and fasting is its own euphoric high.

We'll see....

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