Sunday, August 30, 2009

Why I Do CR: Post-Mortal-Coil-Acceptance

Initially CR's remarkable effects on longevity are what intrigued me and drew me in, but as I've mentioned before, it's the quality of life it offers that solidified it in my lifestyle.

To fear one's own mortality is to be human, but my Weltanschauung seemingly shifted when I was about 25, thereby making me suddenly, unexpectedly, give nary a damn about living forever or dying that hour by some force beyond my control. Far from being a sign of depressive apathy, it was an enveloping understanding I'd gained about my place in nature, as one quantum unit merely floating on the crest of an undulating millenial wave in a galactic tide of an infinite forever-sea. I feel at peace with life and death in a way that I had imagined contented elderly people gain after having lived their lives, so it was a surprise to me that such a change in perspective is had as a normal part of the evolving consciousness that comes with earlier maturity.

Enough with this Star Trek philosophizing BS; why do I do CR then? I do think it extends the lifespan, and, more importantly, the health span, but it also gives me immediately benefits, like paradoxically, giving me more energy; enhanced mental clarity; reduced joint pain; improved mood; and, of course, the juvenile, vain pleasure of my boss telling me he had an argument with his wife over how old I was--19? Nay! 26!


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