Sunday, August 23, 2009

The Happy Crony Speaks

At age 26, I can't believe I have already been practicing CR (calorie restriction) and IF (intermittent fasting) on and off for about 5 years. I got interested in it when I read about its longevity-enhancing effects, but now value it above all else for the quality of life it brings me. I would like to connect with other CRONies to share research info, perhaps one day culminating in a meet-up with local practitioners at a Calorie Restriction Society event (which I still haven't joined! Eek!)

As a lifelong voracious reader, I used to spend WAY too much time on the internet, so to preserve some sense of balance in my life, I no longer have internet access. I won't be a daily poster, but I wouldn't have had daily material anyway.

Your borderless health scientist,
Happy Crony

P.S. I <3 Aubrey De Grey, for his optimism, eccentric intellectually creative problem-solving, for his sing-songy name, and most of all, for his beard.


  1. Hey there!

    Just found your blog from your comments on Matthew Lake's site! I hope we see you this November at the CR Society Conference in Atlanta!

    Awesome blog... keep writing!


  2. Hi April,

    Thanks for the kind comment! I read your blog too, which I found through Matt's. I don't think I'll have the time in November for the conference unfortunately, but hopefully I can meet up with other CRONies soon, somehow.

    I loved your recent blog post about altering your career path--social justice is a passion of mine as well.
